Commonly asked questions
What should I expect?
To make an accurate assessment of the problem, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your pet's routines and the development of the problem prior to your appointment. During a 2-3 hour consultation we will discuss this in detail with you and perhaps other family members. We will discuss the techniques that you will be advised to do and practise them where possible or appropriate.
We will never advise you to use aversive methods such as hitting, poking, spraying, pushing, kneeing or pinching your dog and will never recommend use of check chains, prong or pinch collars, electric collars or any other tool that causes pain or fear. We can explain why this is the case and present you with more appropriate alternative techniques. Science has shown that positive methods lead to better long term results than these 'quick fix' options.
Our aim is to help you to create a better overall relationship with your pet, not to temporarily inhibit the expression of problem behaviour by making your pet fearful.

Clinic, Online or Home Visit?
When deciding on a choice of consultation do remember that it will not normally be necessary for the practitioner to actually see the behaviour being performed in its entirety to understand the problem. However, video footage or photos will be very helpful in making a correct diagnosis.
If you own several large dogs or dogs that cannot safely be in a room together then please consider a home visit since it is more practical and safe to consult away from the clinic. Excessively frightened animals may feel happier if we consult online for the early stages.
Home visits are also helpful where your dog is unlikely to be able to settle in the clinic, needs to be observed outside or with several family members.
Very fearful dogs often suit an online consultation to get the programme started without the additional fear incurred by a stranger being in the home. These sessions can be followed by face-to-face at suitable times as the case progresses.
We recommend that cat consults occur within the home environment whenever possible. Please call us to discuss each individual circumstance.
How will I remember what I have to do?
After your consultation a full written report will be provided and sent to both you and your referring veterinary surgeon.
Zoom, telephone or e-mail support will be available for 3 months after your consultation, at no extra cost.
If required, additional follow-up sessions can easily be arranged to support your progress. This is particularly advised if there are changes to the household or routine that impact your pet.
How long will it take to see results?
The behaviour modification programme advised upon may produce results very quickly, but often it will take time, effort and a commitment by all of the family to work at it to produce the improved behaviour.
Please be prepared for this to be the case and remember that the animal's current behaviour problems may themselves have developed over a long period of time.
Much as we'd like to perform miracles it isn't always possible! Let us help you to succeed by keeping in touch.
Why do I need a vet referral?
All accredited behaviourists have pledged to work alongside veterinary professionals in order to maximise the success of the service we offer. It is important to understand or rule out any medical issues involved in the case and to have a good level of communication with your vet. Getting a referral is simple. Your vet may already have our form or can write a letter explainign why they feel a behaviour referral is appropriate. We will do the rest and arrange the appointment with you at a mutally convenient time.
How much will a consultation cost?
A home visit consultation fee will vary depending on where you are and your needs. Fees start at £300 which includes the visit and report and support. Many leading pet insurance policies will cover the consultation fee and therefore you should check your policy. We are happy to complete, stamp and sign a claim form at the time of the consultation at no additional fee. Forms processed after your consultation incur a £5 admin fee.