About Us
We encourage all pet owners to seek advice of any form from suitable qualified practitioners. Knowing who you are receiving advice from is vital since the wrong techniques could potentially make your case even worse. We pride ourselves in making sure we are up to date with the science behind pet behaviour counselling and to ensure we are full members of the recognised associations so that your veterinary surgeon and insurance companies will recognise our credentials.

Claire Arrowsmith B.Sc.(Hons) M.Sc. CCAB
Principal Behaviour Consultant
Claire is a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB), a Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist (ABTC), a full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC).
She has worked with problem behaviour cases since graduating with a Masters in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare from Edinburgh University in 2000. She divides her time between running The Pet Behaviour Centre, acting as a Visiting Lecturer on the Clinical Animal Behaviour degree course at Harper Adams University, lecturing the Animal Behaviour and Training B.Sc. and Vet Nursing degree students at Moreton Morrell College and teaching Introduction To Behaviour to Level 3 students at Hawksmoor Hydrotherapy Centre. She wrote for Your Dog magazine 2005-2018, and has published many articles, DVDs and several books for dog and cat owners.
Prior to owning The Pet Behaviour Centre, Claire ran a successful behaviour consultancy in the South East, busy Puppy School classes, worked on behaviour and training issues with Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and worked within an animal rescue organisation. She genuinely cares about the well-being of her clients and will give her best to help you achieve your goals.
Prior to referring to us, your vet will conduct a health check to rule out any medical reasons for your pet's behaviour changes.
Associate Behaviour Consultants
In order to meet high demand from our clients we engage the work of some highly selected, qualified and insured behaviour consultants. This helps to provide the urgent service that we know is needed. You can be assured that we engage Full Members of The Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors so that we fulfill your pet insurance policy requirements and so that you receive the very best of care.